Stop Motion Puppet workshop w. Péter Vácz
A few months ago my friend Péter Vácz released his amazing music video for James’ “All I’m saying”. Made in 3 weeks and completely shot in camera (no compositing, grading or additional VFX). It is a true masterpiece of intelligent thinking, smart aesthetic choices and efficient working.
A ton of people had been asking about how he constructs his puppets, so the dear Mette Ilene Holmriis, who worked on the video, kindly opened her doors for the entire group of animation buff friends. It was a blast of a show and tell day workshop where Péter brought his puppets, his backpack of materials and took us through his process of building puppets and shooting the video. There is an interesting read about his making of HERE.
I haven’t really been working with stop motion since I studied 10 years ago, but it was super inspiring to see the puppets everybody got built and so nice to get my hands dirty with something physical again. It definitely wont be the last time!

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